Behind the house, the rhubarb flower is taller than children. It should be said too that it bloomed faster than its shadow. Inside the clusters of tiny flowers, there are green and golden beetles resting. This made me want to make a dessert, not to sweet, light and airy, and then I made a soufflé.
Children declared it was the best omelette ever … Voilà …
For 4 people
- 100g (31/2 oz) of rhubarb
- 2 passion fruits
- 5 tbsp granulated sugar
- 3 egg whites
- 2 egg yolks
- Icing sugar

Butter 4 individual soufflé molds, sprinkle with a pinch of granulated sugar and set aside in the fridge.
Cut the rhubarb into pieces. In a pan, gently stew over low heat with 2 tbsp of sugar and a little bit of water, for about 10 minutes, until it’s soft. Then mix in a blender. (You should have 2 large tbsp of purée).
Using a spoon, push one passion fruit through a fine sieve, and mix the juice with the rhubarb purée. Set the rest of the fruit aside (seeds and flesh).
Mix the egg yolks with a tbsp of granulated sugar and add to the purée.
Beat the egg whites, add one tbsp of granulated sugar and beat again until soft peaks form.
Gently mix with the purée.
Mix the second passion fruit with what’s left from the first one and add a small tbsp of sugar.
Spread over the bottom of the molds.
Then spread the mixture over in the molds.
Bake in preheated oven (180°C (350°F)) for 10 to 12 minutes.
Remove from the oven, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve immediately.
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