There was a time, when I was young (or younger, let’s say), when my father developed a passion for cuisine. He cooked a lot for us and this recipe was my favorite. So, much later, long after he traded his love for cooking with a passion for the mountains, I reinterpreted this dish, and it remains one of my favorite.
For 6 guests
- 2 filets mignons
- 3 lemons (organic or untreated)
- 1 tbsp of granulated sugar
- 1 bunch of curly parsley
- 200g (1 cup) of salted butter

Wash the lemons and peel them with a peeling knife, then cut the skin into fine slices. In a pan sauté the slices of lemon skin and the sugar with butter, stir regularly in order to caramelize them. As soon as the slices begin to color, remove from heat and pour some drops of lemon juice to stop the cooking. Set aside.
Chop the parsley finely.
Cut the filets mignons in slices about 2cm (2/3 in) thick, roast them in a frying pan with a little fat. Once they are golden all over, remove them from the pan and reserve in a warm place (maybe in the oven at low temperature). Deglaze the frying pan with the juice of one lemon. Add the caramelized lemon skin slices, the chopped parsley and the diced butter, don’t stop stirring. The sauce is ready once the butter has melted. Coat the meat with the sauce.
Suggestion: serve with green beans and celery purée.
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