If only you can find eggs, say goodbye to the tricky poaching, here is a dead simple “Iles flottantes” recipe. (Thank you Céline!)
Be careful, however, the salted butter caramel may cause serious addiction…
For 6 people
Prepare in advance the caramel and the custard.
In a pan, cook the sugar with 30ml (2 tbsp) of water, without stirring, on high heat, until the mixture turns golden brown and translucent. Reduce heat and add the butter while mixing. When the butter is melted, add 120ml (1/2 cup) of water, very gently to avoid splashes, stirring constantly, until a smooth mixture. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes on high heat, then remove from heat and let cool. Caramel will stay liquid.
Also prepare the custard.
In a pan, heat the milk with the vanilla pod cut in half (and grated).
Mix the egg yolks with 60g (1/3 cup) of sugar and whip until it whitens. Add 1/3 of the heated milk to the egg yolks and stir well, poor all of it in a pan and heat it in a bain-marie and keep stirring until it starts to thicken. Let it cool and set it aside in the fridge.
Just before serving, beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt, until stiff. Add 60g (1/3 cup) of sugar and beat again. Divide the beaten egg whites in 6 portions. Cook every portion in a bowl, 30 seconds in microwaves (800W). Drop the cooked island on the custard, top with the caramel and enjoy!
Plate: Sol @ Bernardaud
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