Well, spring has finally settled. The meadows are covered with daisies, primroses and violets. This is the time for delighted children to play outdoors and bring back thousands of tiny unlikely bouquets with random lengths of stems, or even with no stem at all. Moving bouquets that should be received with a rapture that borders on exaggeration, but which however are impossible to put in water, or maybe in a bowl. So I wondered how to get out of this dilemma without frustrating their floral/maternal love impulses and I discovered that one could very well eat his garden, and that besides being good it was as pretty as Spring in a plate.
Meadow salad
Do not pick up flowers and dandelion leaves in meadows that are subject to road pollution, to pesticides, or in meadows that host animals (cows, horses …).
There are no exact quantities as it’s a salad, and you can compose it with more or less of each ingredient according to your taste and the number of guests.
The salad dressing is for about 3-4 guests.
If you arrange the salad on plates, serve the vinaigrette separately. If it’s in a salad bowl, prepare the vinaigrette at the bottom but mix only at serving time, otherwise the flowers will lose their freshness.
Wash dandelion leaves well and soak them in vinegar and water. Rinse and dry the flowers. Cut the stems (or what remains of them).
Cut the bacon slices into small pieces and fry them to gold brown in a frying-pan. Set aside. Cut the apple into strips.
Arrange the meadow salad with dandelion leaves first, then add apple slices, sprouts, fried bacon, flowers, walnuts and mix of seeds.
For the vinaigrette, first mix the mustard with Maggi® and Aromat®. Add the cider vinegar and mix. Finally, add walnut oil and rapeseed oil. For a perfect balance, the tbsp of walnut oil and rapeseed oil will be a little more generous than the vinegar one.
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