
Fairies’ Bubbles & Elderflowers wine

13 June 2019

Those elixirs from fairies, witches and woodland sorceress will accompany your aperitifs throughout the summer… Success guaranteed !

Warning : in case of hallucinations, it’s useless to incriminate the magic, rather refer to the amount drunk.


Fairies’ Bubbles

  • 2 liters (8 cups) of srping water
  • 10 elderflowers umbels
  • 1 organic lemon
  • 1 tsp of organic cider vinegar
  • 150g (3/4 cup) of brown sugar
  • 10 dried grapes

Shake and gently wipe the umbels to remove potential small insects. Remove the green parts (stems), that bring bitterness and only keep the little flowers. (You can use a clean comb). Place the flowers in a large jar, with the water, the sugar, the vinegar, the dried grapes and the lemon cut into slices.

Close the jar in a non-airtight way, with a clean cloth and an elastic ring, and allow to macerate, if possible exposed to the sun, for 3 to 5 days, stirring twice a day. When small bubbles appear and the dried grapes come up to the surface, it’s time to drain the champagne. Use a clean cloth or a coffee filter, and pour the champagne in pre-boiled bottles with screw cap or lemonade bottle type of closure.

Wait about two more weeks before drinking, to allow the carbonisation to operate.

Store the Fairies’ bubbles in a dry, cool place, away from light and it will last for a few months.



Elderflowers wine

  • 1 bottle of white wine of 75ml (1/3 cup)
  • 75g (1/3 cup) of granulated sugar
  • 3 or 4 elderflowers umbels
  • 10ml (2 tsp) of alcohol for fruits

In a 1 liter bottle, place the flowers (prepared as for the champagne), the wine, the sugar, and the alcohol for fruits. (Or use a large airtight jar to prepare a larger amount of wine).

Let the wine rest away from light for about ten days, shaking regularly the bottle. Then drain and pour in pre-boiled bottles. Allow to rest about two more weeks before drinking, because the taste will change a little bit and get stronger.

Serve chilled.

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